I know, I know, I told you I would be back the next day, sorry for the delay. I have been in what I call a super funk. Super busy with no creative juices flowing. Sorry:0( I am going to share with you some cards that I created a while back, maybe from around the same time as my last post. They are done with the kit club paper that I told you about from my local scrap store. I tell ya, I love this stuff. Once a month I go to the local store for the kit club meeting. We share what we made, talk about it and get the stuff for the next month. I am super bummed. Not sure I like what we were given. I can not think of what I can do with the next bunch of goodies. I was so in awe of the last month that this month is such a let down. So, I think that I have decided to concentrate on the many products I got during my last trip. Some My Mind's Eye goodness. That will be my therapy and make me feel much better. Then maybe, I can move back to the kit club stuff. I love a challenge! I believe that I will make some Abuelita cocoa (it is a mexican hot chocolate with cinnamon) and try to get motivated. Wish me luck.
Shhhhhhhhh., this is the card I made for my sister. Her birthday is not until the end of the month, she will probably see this but oh well! She loves to play poker. I have no idea how to play. I was limited in the choices I could use for the cards but love it anyway. I would have done a flush if I could have. (After I looked it up on the internet to see what one was!) I still think that she will love it. I even took down my sewing machine for this one. I need to expand my playroom. That machine needs to be out all the time. Oh, and my new love.........twine. Look at that uber cute button from Stampin' up. I heart that button!!!

Twine again! I made his for my man for Valentines day. But changed my mind. I think i will save it for another occasion. Don't you just adore that freaking lamp??? Don't answer that question if you don't. Keep your opinions to yourself!! This is just scraps from the leftover Restoration paper line from my kit club. So is the above card and the ones below. They don't even look like the same line do they? The brads, yup, Stampin' up antique brads. Yummo!
This is the Valentine card that I did give my guy. Yes, it is pink. Yes, I used girly ribbon. But it is all about love for sale!!! He liked it until I snatched it back to show my club and keep in my stash. Oh well.
Do you think that I can wait until next year to give tis to the neighbors daughter for the B-day? Probably not. I wanna share it now!

This would make a neat spring card or get well. I can add something to the bottom or the inside when an occasion arises.
That is all I have to share with you today. Hopefully I will have something else to share with you quicker than I did last time. Right now I need to start singing, "Rain, rain go away....." With all the snow melting and rain coming, we are bound to have an even wetter basement.