I have been getting the studio calico kit for over a year now. (I just checked my records.) I have not touched one. Well, yes I have. I opened them and touched them but have not done anything with them. Why, idk! Well, this last one, I decided I either needed to "cook or get out of the kitchen." I really wanted to say something else here:o) Anyway, I opened it, touched it and even designed with it. Here is what the kit looked like and what I have done with it.
Oh my, I love this photo and the title. When I showed it to Roman, he laughed so hard because of he "Big Teeth!" He has such a good sense of humor.
Remember a while back, I shared this love letter that Roman wrote to his little friend in school??? Well, I couldn't help myself when I saw the red, white and blue stripped paper. I could either go barber shop or mail. I went Love Letter all the way. I love it. It was a challenge for me though. At first I tried masking hearts. When I sprayed the mist it buckled my paper. I ironed it from the back and it worked that out. Then I decided I would add some red splattered paint across them top right because it needed something. Well, it looked like I cut my finger and bled all over the page. I had to carefully peel everything off and start again. I then decided to punch hearts for a tone-on-tone look and it filled the space nicely. Ugh, all that for my new favorite layout. I just love the letter. There is a journal block tucked behind the photo where I translated what he wrote and gave some details.
I also have at least a year's worth of SC kits and they are all still in their brown bags. I open each one, then put it back in the bag! I love your layouts. Beautiful work!