I think that I have mentioned this before, but here it goes. In the past, I used to scrapbook chronologically. I would get stuck on something and wouldn't be able to move on or produce something that I really hated. Well, looking back, lol, what was I thinking anyway:o) So, I now scrapbook out of order. This makes it much easier for me. I get to choose pics to go with the paper I want to play with. Also, when I get on a trend, like; homemade paper, notches, twine etc, you won't be able to spot that trend because even though I used the same technique over and over, it is spread throughout my photo albums and not all clumped together in a time frame. If you know me, this was a difficult transition. I have not been diagnoses with OCD, so, I don't claim it, but I have tendencies toward everything having to be in order. Even scrapbooking chronologically. With that said, I have recently scrapped with October Afternoon's Sidewalk collection. Oh my, I LOVE the colors. When I bought the paper, a friend of mine questioned the fact that I had a boy and this was a bright line. (Sue:O)) So, this is what I came up with. The pic dates back to July of 09. Here is my take on a sketch from OA blog.

This "Play" card had a girl in the bottom right hand corner. I covered her with the boy sticker and inserted a heart sticker on a toothpick instead of the large banner he was attached to. Notice the vintage buttons. I cut the yellow one, which created a huge mess, shards of plastic everywhere. But, isn't it cute sticking out behind the cloud? Hmmmm, maybe my new trend will be toothpick banners. They are everywhere:o)