
October 19, 2011

My Mind's Eye Layout Challenge!

Last night, when I had packing to do for Kansas City, MO, I decided that I would scrap for this challenge instead.  Now I am hurrying to get this posted before I finish packing.  I always leave things until the last minute.  WHY????  I think the answer to that is, I NEED A MAID:O)  Definitely!!!  I would of had more time to do this layout and get packed if I didn't have to do laundry and cook dinner for my family.  So, thats the answer:o)  Randy, if your reading this.........  PLEASE!!!

Here is the challenge:

Here is my interpretation.  I think I might of mentioned before, how much I LOVE tis paper line.  I just can't stop!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. this is too cute,I love this paper line too !!

  2. OM Goodness this is gorgeous! I see a scraplift comin' on! :)
