
May 27, 2011

Kit club with American Crafts

This month I struggled with time.  I think now that the weather is warmer, there is way more to do!  I finally found some time right before the last kit club meeting to create with the kit I have for almost 3 weeks.  I find that I am struggling with finding photos that are appropriate for the papers.  Most of the papers, to me, have a feminine feel.  All I have are pictures of my handsome boy.  But, I did find this really awesome strip of candid pictures of Roman and his Mamut (my sister Marcy) from about three years ago.  In the journaling I explained how she is know by so many different names.  My son is truly in love with her.  When I first saw the camera and other embellishments I just knew that I was going to have a hard time with incorporating them into my layouts.  But, I think I found the perfect spot for this little gem.  The papers are gorgeous alone and pieced together.  This months line was by American Crafts.  I used some old rub ons from my stash, some new Thickers and banner stickers from Jenni Bowlin.  I loved the metal tag from American Crafts as well.  My intention was to do sloppy stitching, however, you can see why I do not quilt like my mom!

We have been attending a church, Harbor of Hope, for about three or four years.  It is about 45 minutes away from us.  Our friends invited us and we loved it.  It is hard with our schedules to get there on a regular basis and for the fact that Soccer is smack dab in the middle of the freaking day on Sunday.  Who makes these schedules anyway?  We were able to make it to the Easter Egg hunt that they had in April.  Take note of the hot coffee, winter coats and I swear you can see our breath if you look really really close!

"Fly High" is one of my most favorite events at the Maldonado house.  My boys were flying a kite for a couple hours.  Not until the end did I realize what a great time it would be to take photos.  You have seen the picture of Roman looking toward the sky before.  I used it on the book marks that I made for Mother's Day.  I just love it.  I just love him!


1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!! Mitch wants to know where is his picture. Tell Hammerhead I said Hi!!

    Love you, Marcia
