
June 3, 2016

Recipe Planning - mambi

Good Morning! I know this is going to sound really crazy! I want to complete The Happy Planner Recipe Organizer for my son. I want to fill it full of our family favorites, so when he is older, he will have all his favorites with everything written in my handwriting. Let's just forget that he is only eleven. It is never too early to start, right? I wanted to keep it very very simple. The main reason is, he is a boy and if I make it too girly, I don't think he will appreciate it as much. His wife might, but I am not worried about her just yet! lol.

Here is what the organizer looks like!  You can check out the entire thing HERE.  

You can also head over to the mambi blog to check out the details of my planning.  

I decided to keep these post simple, clean and minimal.  Using just stickers and washi.

My friend Kathy is going to be thrilled that I finally wrote this recipe down.  I think I have called her for it at least 10 times.  Maybe I still will keep calling, make her feel needed:o)

Thanks for taking a peek!



  1. What an awesome idea!! Pinnng as soon as I'm behind my laptop!!

  2. Can we change the cover on this book?
